
These short articles provide guidance and answers to Sellers. Selling a Home can be a complicated process that seems daunting. Sellers have questions and realize that having knowledge is power. Today we have information at our fingertips. That information is available simply by asking (or typing) the question. But, do we know what questions we really need to ask? Sellers have unique needs and concerns in the real estate market. Pricing, condition, timing, and staging to mention just a few. These posts are shared in hopes of answering some common questions. The only way to answer all of your questions may be through a conversation however. Hind sight is 20/20. When dealing with the one of the largest transactions of one's lifetime, does your hindsight offer you the foresight to bring comfort? REALTORS® not only have the training and experience, they have the fiduciary responsibility to protect your interests. You'd like to have a trained professional doing the heavy lifting, wouldn't you? It's not just the forms, but the trends, the negotiations and tactics. Then there is the marketing to consider. Did you know 95% of all people start their search for homes and property online? You would like to have someone in your corner that knows how to navigate that type of marketing, wouldn't you? Reach out if you have additional questions, concerns or feel you need representation. If you want to discuss your unique situation or have questions about representation, reach out for a free consultation. It is, after all, what I do.

Buyers How Does the Economy Impact Mortgage Rates How Does the Economy Impact Mortgage Rates How does the economy impact mortgage rates? As someone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home, you’re probably paying close attention to mortgage rates – and wondering what’s ahead. One thing that can affect mortgage rates is the Federal Funds Rate, which influences how much it costs banks to borrow money […]
Buyers Home Prices Aren’t Declining Home Prices Aren’t Declining, But Headlines Might Make You Think They Are Home prices aren’t declining, but headlines might make you think they are. If you’ve seen the news lately about home sellers slashing prices, it’s a great example of how headlines do more to terrify than clarify. Here’s what’s really happening with prices. The […]
Buyers Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up Expert Home Price for 2024 Revised Up. Over the past few months, experts have revised their 2024 home price forecasts based on the latest data and market signals, and they’re even more confident prices will rise, not fall. So, let’s see exactly how experts’ thinking has shifted – […]
Sellers Today’s Mortgage Rate Trend Is Good for Sellers Today’s Mortgage Rate Trend Is Good for Sellers Today’s mortgage rate trend is good for Sellers. If you’ve been holding off on selling your house to make a move because you felt mortgage rates were too high, their recent downward trend is exciting news for you. Mortgage rates have descended since last October when they hit […]
Buyers Why Do Home Prices Keep Going Up? Why Do Home Prices Keep Going Up? Why Do Home prices keep going up? If you’ve ever dreamed of buying your own place, or selling your current house to upgrade, you’re no stranger to the rollercoaster of emotions changing home prices can stir up. It’s a tale of financial goals, doubts, and a dash of anxiety […]
Buyers The Latest Expert Forecasts for Home Prices in 2023 The Latest Expert Forecasts for Home Prices in 2023 The latest expert forecasts for home prices in 2023. Are you thinking about making a move? If so, all the speculation that home prices would crash this year may have you feeling a bit on edge about your decision. Let the data and the experts reassure you. Prices […]
Buyers How Inflation Impacts the Housing Market How Inflation Impacts the Housing Market Have you ever wondered how inflation impacts the housing market? Believe it or not, they’re connected. Whenever there are changes to one, both are affected. Here’s a high-level overview of the connection between the two. The Relationship Between Housing Inflation and Overall Inflation Shelter inflation is the measure of price growth specific […]
Homeowners Equity Is a Game Changer for Homeowners Looking To Sell Equity Is a Game Changer for Homeowners Looking To Sell Equity is a game changer for homeowners looking to sell. If you’re a homeowner, you might be torn on whether or not to sell your house right now. Maybe that’s because you don’t want to take on a higher mortgage rate on your next home. If that’s your biggest […]
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Homeowners Four Ways You Can Use Your Home Equity Four Ways You Can Use Your Home Equity Here are Four Ways You Can Use Your Home Equity. If you’re a homeowner, odds are your equity has grown significantly over the last few years. Equity builds over time as home values grow and as you pay down your home loan. And, since home prices skyrocketed during the ‘unicorn’ years, […]
Buyers Don’t Fall for the Next Shocking Headlines About Home Prices Don’t Fall for the Next Shocking Headlines About Home Prices Don’t fall for the next shocking headlines about home prices. If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, one of the biggest questions you have right now is probably: what’s happening with home prices? And it’s no surprise you don’t have the clarity you need on that […]
Buyers Are Home Prices Going Up or Down? That Depends… Are Home Prices Going Up or Down? That Depends… Are home prices going up or down? That depends… Media coverage about what’s happening with home prices can be confusing. A large part of that is due to the type of data being used and what they’re choosing to draw attention to. For home prices, there […]
Buyers Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off The ‘Unicorns’ have galloped off. Comparing real estate metrics from one year to another can be challenging in a normal housing market. That’s due to possible variability in the market making the comparison less meaningful or accurate. Unpredictable events can have a significant impact on the […]
Buyers What You Need To Know About Home Price News What You Need To Know About Home Price News What you need to know about home price news. Statistics can be tricky to interpret. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) released its latest Existing Home Sales Report Thursday. The information it contains on home prices may cause some confusion and could even generate some troubling […]
Buyers Why Today’s Housing Market Is Not About To Crash Why Today’s Housing Market Is Not About To Crash There’s been some concern lately that the housing market is headed for a crash. And given some of the affordability challenges in the housing market, along with a lot of recession talk in the media, it’s easy enough to understand why that worry has come up. […]
Homeowners Falling out of Love with Your House? Falling out of Love with Your House? It May Be Time To Move. Falling out of love with your house? Owning a home means having a place that’s solely your own and provides the space, features, and location you and your loved ones need. But what happens when your needs change? If this hits home […]
Buyers Why Aren’t Home Prices Crashing? Why Aren’t Home Prices Crashing? Why aren’t home prices crashing? There have been a lot of shifts in the housing market recently. Mortgage rates rose dramatically last year, impacting many people’s ability to buy a home. And after several years of rapid price appreciation, home prices finally peaked last summer. These changes led to a […]
Buyers It’s still a Sellers’ Market! We’re in a Sellers’ Market. What Does That Mean? Even though activity in the housing market has slowed from the frenzy we saw over a year ago, today’s low supply of homes for sale means it’s still a sellers’ market. But what does that really mean? And why are conditions today so good if you […]
Homeowners The Best Time To List Your House Is Almost Here Get Ready: The Best Time To List Your House Is Almost Here If you’re thinking about selling this spring, it’s time to get moving – the best week to list your house is fast approaching. Experts at looked at seasonal trends from recent years (excluding 2020 as an uncharacteristic year due to the onset […]
Sellers What Buyer Activity Tells Us About the Housing Market What Buyer Activity Tells Us About the Housing Market Buyer activity tells us that though the housing market is no longer experiencing the frenzy of a year ago, buyers are showing their interest in purchasing a home. According to U.S. News: “Housing markets have cooled slightly, but demand hasn’t disappeared, and in many places remains […]
Buyers A Smaller Home Could Be Your Best Option A Smaller Home Could Be Your Best Option Many people are reaching the point in their lives when they need to decide where they want to live when they retire. A Smaller Home Could Be Your Best Option.  If you’re a homeowner approaching this stage, you have several options to explore. Jessica Lautz, Deputy Chief […]