First Time Home Buyers

These articles are of particular interest for First Time Home Buyers. When making your first purchase of a home knowledge and representation are paramount. The posts contained in this category are designed to help and better inform you. By answering common questions, these posts can help boost your confidence. Of course, answering all the potential questions in any one one post is highly unlikely. Even after reading through them all, First Time Home Buyers will and should have questions. Everyone's situation is different. The only silly questions is the one we don't ask. Getting the right answer can also be daunting. That is why getting representation by a qualified and experienced REALTOR® is paramount. First Time Home Buyers who find and engage with the right REALTOR® early in the process have a more successful first venture. Success is what it's all about, isn't it? We want to reach our goals. The decision to make the investment for a First Time Home Buyer is the first step to financial security. Wealth creation through equity is historically the soundest strategy. Look at the recent property value appreciations. You would like to capture some of that, wouldn't you? And then to be considered is the tranquility of decorating and managing your own space. Priceless. As you read through these articles, if you still have or develop questions not covered, reach out. Knowledge is power. The tools are at your fingertips and I am here as a qualified, trained professional REALTOR® to help guide you. It's literally what I do. Reach out for a free consultation to discuss your specific situation.

Buyers Why Aren’t Home Prices Crashing? Why Aren’t Home Prices Crashing? Why aren’t home prices crashing? There have been a lot of shifts in the housing market recently. Mortgage rates rose dramatically last year, impacting many people’s ability to buy a home. And after several years of rapid price appreciation, home prices finally peaked last summer. These changes led to a […]
Buyers What’s Ahead for Home Prices in 2023 What’s Ahead for Home Prices in 2023 What’s ahead for home prices in 2023 is a popular question. Over the past year, home prices have been a widely debated topic. Some have said we’ll see a massive drop in prices and that this could be a repeat of 2008 – which hasn’t happened. Others have […]
Buyers Is It Really Better To Rent Than To Own a Home Right Now? Is It Really Better To Rent Than To Own a Home Right Now? You may have seen reports in the news recently saying it’s better to rent right now than it is to own your home. What? Is it really better to rent than own a home right now? Before you let that impact your decisions, […]
Buyers Homeownership Builds Your Wealth over Time Homeownership Builds Your Wealth over Time [INFOGRAPHIC] In Texas, home values have increased 331% since 1991. This is why it is so important to invest in homeownership. Whether you are renting or owning, you are most likely making a payment. Why not pay yourself first and benefiting by the increased net worth you will eventually […]
Buyers Avoid the Rental Trap in 2023 Avoid the Rental Trap in 2023 If you’re a renter, you likely face an important decision every year: renew your current lease, start a new one, or buy a home. This year is no different. But before you dive too deeply into your options, it helps to understand the true costs of renting moving forward. […]
First Time Home Buyers Financial Fundamentals for First-Time Homebuyers Financial Fundamentals for First-Time Homebuyers These Financial fundamentals for First-time homebuyers are the most important first steps. Are you prepping to buy your first home? If so, one of the steps you should take early on is making sure you’re financially ready for your purchase. Here are just a few of the financial fundamentals you’ll […]
Buyers The Majority of Americans Still View Homeownership as the American Dream The Majority of Americans Still View Homeownership as the American Dream Buying a home is a powerful decision, and it remains a key part of the American Dream. In fact, the 2022 Consumer Insights Report from Mynd found the majority of people polled still view homeownership as a key life achievement. Let’s explore just a few of the reasons […]
First Time Home Buyers Taking the Fear out of Saving for a Home Taking the Fear out of Saving for a Home If you’re planning to buy a home, knowing what to budget for and how to save may sound scary at first. But it doesn’t have to be. One way to take the fear out of budgeting is understanding some of the costs you might encounter.  And to […]
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