
Short articles of particular interest to current renters who are considering purchasing a home or property in the near future. Getting off the "Rental Train" is the key initial step to creating wealth. Oil Baron Paul Getty one said "if it appreciates in value, buy it; if it depreciates in value, lease it!" Setting yourself up to Pay yourself first by Buying a home or property is one of the wisest steps of "Adulting" we can make. It can, over the years, alter the financial security for a family or individual. Equity growth will sneak up on you while you are making payments towards ownership. Imagine if you had back even a portion of the money you have spent on rent. If you are tired of living under the rules and roof of someone else while making their payments for them, then shouldn't you make a plan to change that scenario? You would like to have more control over your living conditions, financial security, credit rating and peace of mind, wouldn't you? Most Renters would love to get off the "rental train" and start building a more secure future. Many are afraid or unsure of how to go about it. That is where a Qualified REALTOR® and these articles can help. Read through the related articles and if you still don't find the answers or want some additional guidance reach out for a free consultation. Let's get you and your family on the path to financial and living condition freedom!